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Pick a category you need help with:
- How do I use my keypad?
- How do I top up my Keypad?
- I need a new Keypad top up card.
- I’ve got a message on my Keypad – what does it mean?
- What information can I find out from my Keypad?
- Why is my top up code being rejected?
- I topped up but the full amount has not been added to my Keypad.
- What does PC contribution mean?
- Why did I get a longer top up code than normal?
- I’ve bought electric with the wrong Keypad card – what do I do?
- What is the minimum amount I can top up?
- How much does it cost to have a Keypad meter installed?
- How can I get a Keypad installed?
- What is a Keypad annual statement?
- I’m changing to Keypad – when will I get my final bill?
- As a Keypad customer do I pay more for my electricity?
- How can I save money using Keypad?