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Why did I get a longer top up code than normal?

Keypad top-up codes usually have 20 digits. However, when you buy a top-up after electricity prices have changed you will be given a special 40 or 60 digit top-up code, depending on your tariff. This will credit your Keypad with your top-up amount and update it with the new unit rate. You may also receive a special 40 or 60 digit top up code if we have to update your meter.

If you have received a longer top up code, simply key it in as normal.

Find out how to top-up your Power NI pay as you go Keypad meter. 

If you are having issues entering your keypad code outside our working hours, or your electricity supply is off you can: 

  1. Try re-issuing your last code,
  2. Contact NIE Networks on 03457 643 643 (available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week)